Says Karren Hitchcock, "I came across some interesting information in my edcuational pshychology class that might be of interest to the moms of 2 year olds. I know the terrible 2s can be hard on parents and thought this might give all the moms some insight."
"Having one's own way is a basic part of human development. . . . It is an important part of socialization to learn to wait on getting needs met, still trusting that others will meet those needs and to begin to move toward meeting the needs of others. The infant, initially unaware of all needs but self-will, learns to adjust to the needs of the parent, usually unwittingly, and thus makes the first cycle toward socialization. The process of socialization is just begun, however. We repeat the cycle over and over again as we grow.
The child who has been successfully trained to control the most essential body functions continues to grow emotionally and, by age 2, has come full circle and demands total autonomy again. It is the province of the 2-year-old to insist on having his or her own way, to win at the clash of wills, to feel godlike. It is a normal, human stage to be grown out of and then revisited periodically and less emphatically throughout life." ("'PEPSI' a Screening and Programming Tool for Understanding the Whole Child" by J'Anne Ellsworth. Teaching Exceptional Children Nov/Dec 1996)
Thanks, Karren! Any other insights are always welcome.